
London/Food Adventure: Macarons!

I love macarons, I don't know who doesn't, but on the departure day we went with all of our luggage in Croydon to the train station, and then I stopped.


I saw these macarons in the window, and I was like: ohmygeeerditsmacaronsineedicantleavewithoutthesepleaaaaaaaase..... and they were actually cheaper in Croydon, than in Denmark (Not that surprising, actually..), so we bought six macarons. £1 for one. I actually can't remember, what the patisserie was called, but I think it says "Sweet"? or something in the picture.

From the first picture - Left to right: Choco-orange, raspberry and mocha (I love everything with coffee flavour!)
Second picture - from left to right: Lemon, mocha (SO GOOD!) and wild strawberry.

Last time I tried macarons was in 2011, when I went to London for the first time, where I had to get real afternoon tea. One day, when I become a billionaire or whatever I'm going to try the macarons from Laduree. I know a lot of people who says, they are the best macarons in the world. I doubt they have tried all the macarons in the world, but let it be.