
My Valentine! - Small Update -

Alone for Valentines Day? Go get a cupcake! You deserve it! [Random patisserie in London - December 2013]

What am I doing on Valentines Day, you might ask. I'm doing homework and waiting for my grandparents to arrive. How romantic, isn't it? My granddad and his wife is going to come over at about 5'o'clock, and they're going to stay here until tomorrow, where my cousin's second son is going to be baptized. We don't really have any close contact to my danish cousins. My family is more like a see-you-next-year-or-to-a-funeral kind of family, I don't even know... But there'll be food, so I guess that's alright.

I hope you all have a happy Valentine, and if you're not doing anything, then go down to the store and buy ice-cream, chocolate and watch a movie!
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Love you all! xx