
Selena Gomez's speech - March 26. // Video

This post was actually scheduled to last week, but I forgot to press "publish" - Sorry! - This is just a short post, but I hope you like it anyway! [...]

So I just wanted to share this beautiful speech held by Selena Gomez at We Day* 26. of March - 2014.

I really think she's a great rolemodel and a very inspirering person - Not only for younger kids, but everyone can learn something from her. She appreciate her fans so much and she's such a strong woman. I would like you to really listen to her speech. She comes out with a really good message and I think we could all - or I could - learn something about strength, confidence and always trusting myself.

*We Day is an event to encourage young people to take action on problems in the world but also in their local community. You can read more about We Day on their website - Click HERE

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My meeting with my future school, that I've been talking, writing and thinking a lot about lately, didn't go as well as I'd planned - which sucks - but when I look at the positive side I can defiantly find at least 10 good things, if I don't get in - All of my friends and teachers are like "You'll get in, don't worry", but they weren't there. I could've done ten times better, and I'm a bit disappointed in myself - But I'm not giving up yet! I'm just going to wait and see when I receive my acceptance letter next week. The principal is going to send the letter out today, but I'll first get it around Tuesday.

I'll let you guys know if I get in or not - Wish me good luck!

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Love you all! xx