I got to see the John Lennon wall again and it was like a flashback from
two years ago. The atmosphere was different, but the feelings were not.
Two years ago I didn't really know what was happening around me. I was
growing, and I'm still growing, experiencing, learning, appreciating and
just enjoying life's small wonders.
Since last time I went to Prague a lot of things have happened, and it was this incredible feeling of revisiting a Prague again. It was like I got back in time. Two years ago everything was different. I didn't worry about anything at all. I was just happy. It was the same feeling I got, when I visited Prague again. I'm thankful for those days of being 13-years-old again.
Some people will be like: "Calm down, it's 2 years ago. That can't have happened that many things in two years." But there has. Time passes so fast in these short teenage years. It's over soon, and I'm just going to love every second of both the good and the bad things. There was a time, where I didn't think I could make it to the other side. That I would not survive, but I did it. There will be a lot more challenges in my life, I know that. Even though the teenage years are short the learning and growing process last until you die, and I kind of like growing and learning slowly.
Whenever you're revisiting someone of a place, you won't stop remembering the way you felt the first time you saw that person or the first time you went to that specific place.
This post wasn't even going to be this sentimental. I was just going to tell you guys a bit about Prague, but you guys know I tend to ramble, but Prague was great. I'll make some more posts about my trip, where I will try not to ramble as much. Sorry.
I've been taking a lot of photos and footage for my video (More info is coming), and I can't wait to share it with all of you. I'm currently editing a video about my short but amazing trip to Prague. It's going to be up in somewhere in the future. I'll post it on the blog, when it's up, so remember to follow my blog on Bloglovin'.
Also I REACHED 200 FOLLOWERS! Actually 240! 240 - That's 240 alive human beings. 240 is just a number, but you guys are not. I really appreciate your love and support. You guys are literally so amazing. I don't even care if I get way too excited over stuff like this, because I'm just so happy for everyone of you. Thank you so much! I'll keep improving for you guys!

Love you all so much! xx
By the way - as you know I'm having my exams soon, very soon actually. In 10 days to be exact. Wish me luck!
And I really need to go I'm getting late for school! xx
And I really need to go I'm getting late for school! xx
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