
Rudolph is a strange name. Names are a strange thing. Things are strange.

Green Park, London - December 2013

Yes. If you thought: "Oh no... It's one of Cindy's weird thoughts about weird things,"Correctly! This is one of my thoughts written down and published on my blog. I haven't really consciously thought about this before, so I'm sorry that my thoughts are a bit out of control. I can't control my thoughts yet, and I don't hope I ever will.

End of introduction - Now to what I was supposed to write about!

Rudolph is quite a strange name, isn't it? And even naming a reindeer Rudolph. Santa, how did you come up with that name? Why not Cookie or... I'm already getting off subject... No offence to people named Rudolph. 

Cindy is quite a strange name too. Cin-dy. Why not Sindi? That makes more sense, but Cindy? That's weird. Names are actually a weird thing too. It's used to tell the difference between people, but if everybody are calling their children Emma, Sophia or Jacob (On the "most popular baby names"-list 2013) it's quite useless isn't it? But then again... Then it would be like trying to find a username on the internet. Impossible. 

But back to my subject, which isn't really a subject, but more of a weird perspective of the name "Rudolph" and the different thoughts, that comes along with it.
 Ru-dolph. R-U-D-O-L-P-H. ROO-Dahlf. RuRu. Ruddy. Dolphy. Dolphin. Rudolph. Dolph? 

Rudolph Tegner, the Danish sculptor. Rudolf Steiner, the Austrian philosopher and "founder" of anthroposophy. 

"Founder" is also a weird word in that context. Can you be a founder of a philosophy? Isn't philosophy just thought of how you see the world? And thoughts aren't very original, because thoughts are based on some kind of reaction of your experiences (98% of the time), that makes you think. Then, can you be a founder of a philosophy? What's even the definition of "philosphy"?

Google. 2 seconds later.

The definition of "philosophy" according to The Free Dictionary (The first thing, that came up on Google) is:  
n. pl. phi·los·o·phies
1. Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline.
2. Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.

Woaw... Deep...

Well... I know for sure, that the word "philosophy" is Greek. "Philo-" means love and "-sophy" means knowledge/information/wisdom. So it must be the love for knowledge. It think it would be more interesting, if it was the knowledge of love. I don't understand the term "love". I don't think categorizing "love" as a feeling is the correct categorization. Some clever people with an impact somewhere have probably agreed on this, but I allow myself to question this. 

A lot of people have some kind of idea of what love is, but what if love isn't anything at all. I don't think love and happiness are the same thing. I don't think you're just utterly happy about your parents or your dog or your boyfriend/girlfriend, but what if that's not love? What if that's sadness? What if love is sadness? I'm not trying to depress you or anything, sorry! What if love doesn’t exist, and we, as humans, have adapted that thought and disguised it as something we now call: “love”.

Now, I don’t believe in love being sadness, but I think it’s a quite good way of seeing love differently.
Or, I don’t know if anyone have published the same opinion before, but never mind!

Hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you made it this far or you just skimmed the text. I’m just thankful, that someone bothered to skim my post. It’s quite different from the rest of my posts, but I like these posts a lot too.

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